


Oden, A., J. Brandle, M. Burbach, M.B. Brown, J.E. Quinn. 2015. Variation in avian vocalizations during the non-breeding season in response to traffic noise. Ethology. 121(5):472-479.View PDF
Zhou, X., Schoeneberger, M., Brandle, J. R., Awada, T. N., Martin, D. L., Li, J., Chu, J., Mize, C.. 2015. Analyzing the uncertainties in use of forest derived biomass equations for open-grown trees in agricultural land. Forest Science, 61: 144-161. View PDF



Brandle, J. R., Schoeneberger, M. M. 2014. Working Trees: Supporting agriculture and healthy landscapes. Journal of Tropical Forest Science, 26(3), 305-308.


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Quinn, J.E., J. Brandle, R. Johnson. 2014. Identifying opportunities for conservation embedded in cropland anthromes. Landscape Ecology. 29(10):1811-1819.View PDF


Quinn, J., Brandle, J. R., Johnson, R. J. 2013. A farm-scale biodiversity and ecosystem services assessment tool: the healthy farm index. International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability, 11, 176-192.View PDF
Quinn, J., Oden, A., Brandle, J. R. 2013. The influence of different cover types on American Robin nest success in organic agroecosystems. Sustainability, 5, 3502-3512.View PDF


Quinn, J., Brandle, J. R., Johnson, R. J., Tyre, A. J. 2012. Application of detectability in the use of indicator species: A case with birds. Ecological Indicators, 11, 1413-1418.View PDF
Quinn, J.E., J. Brandle, and R. Johnson. 2012. The effects of land sparing and wildlife-friendly practices on grassland bird abundance within organic farmlands. Agriculture Ecosystems, & Environment. 161:10-16.View PDF
Schoeneberger, M.M., G. Bentrup, H. deGooijer, R. Soolanayakanahally, T. Sauer, J. Brandle, X. Zhou, and D. Current. 2012. Agroforestry as a climate change mitigation and adaptation tool for agriculture. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 67: 128A- 136A. doi:10.2489/jswc.67.5.128A.View PDF
Zhou, X., Brandle, J. R., Awada, T. N., Schoeneberger, M., Martin, D. L., Tang, Z. 2012. The use of forest-derived specific gravity for the conversion of volume to biomass for open grown trees on agricultural land. Biomass and Bioenergy, 35, 1721-1731.View PDF


Hernandez-Ramirez, G., T. J. Sauer, C. Cambardella, J. R. Brandle, and D. E. James. 2011. Carbon sources and dynamics in afforested and cultivated Corn Belt soils. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 75:216-225.View PDF
Hou, Q., L.J. Young, J.R. Brandle, and M.M. Schoeneberger. 2011. A spatial model approach for assessing windbreak growth and carbon stocks. J. Environ. Quality 40:842-852.View PDF
Quinn, J., Brandle, J. R., Johnson, R. J., Tyre, A. J. 2011. Application of detectability in the use of indicator species: A case with birds. Ecological Indicators, 11, 1413-1418.View PDF
Zhou, X.H., J.R. Brandle, T.N. Awada, M.M. Schoeneberger, D.L. Martin, Z.H Tang. (2011) The use of forest-derived specific gravity for the conversion of volume to biomass for open grown trees on agricultural land. Biomass and Bioenergy 35:1721-1731.View PDF


Hoagland, L., L. Hodges, G.A. Helmers, J.R. Brandle, and C.A. Francis. 2010. Labor availability in an integrated agricultural system. J. Sustain. Agric. 34:532-548.View PDF


Brandle, J.R., J. Tyndal, R.A. Sudmeyer, and L. Hodges (2009) Windbreak Practices. In: Garrett, H.E., W.J. Rietveld, and R.F. Fisher (eds.) North American 5 Agroforestry: An Integrated Science and Practice, 2nd edition, American Society of Agronomy, Madison, WI.View PDF
Perry, M.E.L., W.H. Schacht, G.A. Ruark, and J.R. Brandle (2009) Tree canopy effect on grass and grass/legume mixtures in eastern Nebraska. Agroforestry Systems 77:23-35.View PDF
Puckett, H.L, J.R. Brandle, R.J. Johnson, and E.E. Blankenship (2009) Avian foraging patterns in crop field edges adjacent to woody habitat. Agriculture Ecosystems and Environment 131:9-15.View PDF
Quinn, J.E., J.R. Brandle, and R.J. Johnson. 2009. Development of a Healthy Farm Index to assess ecological, economic, and social function on organic and sustainable farms in Nebraska’s four agroecoregions. Pages 156-170 In: Franzluebbers, A.J., ed. 2009. Farming with Grass: Achieving Sustainable Mixed Agricultural Landscapes. Ankeny, IA: Soil and Water Conservation Society.View PDF


Mize, C., J.R. Brandle, M. Schoeneberger, and G. Bentrup. 2008. Ecological function, development, and design of shelterbelt systems in North America. In: Jose, S. and A.M. Gordeon (eds) Toward Agroforestry Design – An Ecological Approach. Springer, NY. p. 27-54.View PDF
Mize, C, J. Colletti, W. Batchelor, J.S. Kim, E.S. Takle, and J.R. Brandle. 2008. Modeling a field shelterbelt system with the shelterbelt agroforestry modeling system. In Batish, D. R., R. K. Kohi, S. Jose, and H. P. Singh, eds., 2008: Ecological Basis of Agroforestry. CRC Press. Pp 287-299.View PDF
Zhou, X. H., J. R. Brandle, E. S. Takle, and C. W. Mize, 2008. Relationship of three-dimensional structure to shelterbelt function: a theoretical hypothesis. In Batish, D. R., R. K. Kohi, S. Jose, and H. P. Singh, eds., Ecological Basis of Agroforestry. CRC Press. Pp. 273-286.View PDF


Dosskey, M.G., K.D. Hoagland, and J.R. Brandle. 2007. Change in filter strip performance over ten years. J. Soil and Water Conservation 62:21-32.View PDF
Sauer, T.J., C.A. Cambardella, and J.R. Brandle (2007) Soil carbon and tree litter dynamics in a red cedar-scotch pine shelterbelt. Agroforestry Systems 71:163-174.View PDF
Zhou, X.H., J. Brandle, M. Schoeneberger, and T. Awada (2007) Developing above ground biomass equations for open-grown multiple-stemmed tree species: Shelterbelt grown Russian olive. Ecological Modeling 202:311-323.View PDF


Zhang, D.S., A. Samal, and J.R. Brandle. (2006) A Method for estimating fractal dimension of tree crowns from digital images. International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence 20:1-11.View PDF
Hodges, L., E. Daningsih, and J. Brandle (2006) Comparison of an antitranspirant spray, a polyacrylamide gel and wind protection on early growth of muskmelon. HortScience 41:361-366.View PDF
Samal, A., J.R. Brandle, and D.S. Zhang (2006) Texture as the basis for individual tree identification. Information Sciences 176:565-576.View PDF
Kriz, J., S.D. Danielson, J.R. Brandle, and E.E. Blankenship (2006) Relative abundance of exotic and native Coccinellidae (Coleoptera) in southeast Nebraska alfalfa. Journal of Entomological Science 41:84-86. 
Kriz, J., S.D. Danielson, J.R. Brandle, E.E. Blankenship and G. Henebry (2006) Effects of aphid (Homoptera) abundance and surrounding vegetation on the encounter rate of Coccinellidae (Coleoptera), Chrysopidae (Neuroptera) and Nabidae (Hemiptera) in alfalfa. Journal of Entomological Science 41: 211-220. 


Dosskey, M.G., D.E. Eisenhauer, and M.J. Helmers. 2005. Establishing conservation buffers using precision information. J. Soil and Water Conservation 60: 349-354.View PDF
Guo, Q. J. Brandle, M. Schonenberger and D. Beuttner. 2005. Simulating the dynamics of linear forests in Great Plains agroecosystems under changing climates. Can. J. of Forest Research 34:2564-2572. 
Helmers, G. and J.R. Brandle. 2005. Optimum windbreak spacing in Great Plains agriculture. Great Plains Research 15:179-198. 


Brandle, J.R., L. Hodges, and X.H. Zhou. 2004. Windbreaks in North American agricultural systems. Agroforestry Systems 61-2: 65-78. 
Hibbard, K., B. E. Law, M. Ryan, and E.S. Takle, 2004. Issues and advances in soil respiration: A workshop summary. EOS 85, 220. 
Hodges, L., M.N. Suratman, J.R. Brandle, et al. 2004. Growth and yield of snap beans as affected by wind protection and microclimate changes due to shelterbelts and planting dates. Hortscience, 39:996-1004. 
Josiah, S.J., H. Brott, and J.R. Brandle. 2004. Producing woody floral products in an alley cropping system in Nebraska. Horttechnology 14:203-207. 
Josiah, S.J., R.St.Pierre., H. Brott, and J.R. Brandle. 2004. Productive conservation: Diversifying farm enterprises by producing specialty woody products in agroforestry systems. Journal of Sustainable Agriculture 22:93-108. 
Stahr, L.M., D.E. Eisenhauer, M.J. Helmers, M.G. Dosskey, and T. G. Franti. 2004. Green-Ampt infiltration parameters in riparian buffers. Paper No. 042223, Am. Soc. of Agricultural Engineers, St. Joseph, MI.View PDF
Takle, E. S., W. J. Massman, J. R. Brandle, R. A. Schmidt, R. Garcia, I. V. Litvina, X. Zhou, G. Doyle, and C. W. Rice, 2004: Influence of high-frequency ambient pressure pumping on carbon dioxide efflux from soil. Agric. and Forest Meteor.. 124, 193-206.View PDF
Takle, E. S., 2004: Soil Management and conservation: Windbreaks and shelterbelts. In D. Hillel, C. Rosenzweig, D. Powlson, K. Scow, M. Singer, and D. Sparks, (eds). Encyclopedia of Soils in the Environment. Academic Press. London. 340-345. 
Zhou, X. H., J. R. Brandle, C. W. Mize, and E. S. Takle, 2004: Three-dimensional aerodynamic structure of a tree shelterbelt: Definition, characterization and working models. Agroforestry Systems 63, 133-147.View PDF


Dosskey, M.G., M. Helmers, D. Eisenhauer, T. Franti, and K. Hoagland. 2003. Hydrologic routing of farm runoff and implications for riparian buffers. In: J.D. Williams and D. Kolpin (eds.) Agricultural Hydrology and Water Quality. Am. Water Resources Assoc., Middleburg, VA. CD-ROM. 
Hou, Q.J., J. Brandle, K. Hubbard, M. Schoeneberger, C. Nieto and C. Francis. 2003. Alteration of soil water content subsequent to root-pruning at a windbreak / crop interface in Nebraska, USA. Agroforestry Systems 57:137-147. 
Takle, E. S., J. R. Brandle, R. A. Schmidt, R. Garcia, I. V. Litvina, W. J. Massman, X. Zhou, G. Doyle, and C. W. Rice, 2003: High-frequency pressure variations in the vicinity of a surface CO2 flux chamber. Agric. Forest Meteor. 114, 245-250.View PDF


Beecher, N.A., R.J. Johnson, and J.R. Brandle. 2002. Agroecology of birds in organic and nonorganic farmland. Conservation Biology 16:1620-1631. 
Dosskey, M.G., M.J. Helmers, D.E. Eisenhauer, T. G. Franti, and K.D. Hoagland. 2002. Assessment of concentrated flow through riparian buffers. J. Soil and Water Conservation 57(6):336-343. 
Eisenhauer, D., M. Helmers, J. Brothers, M. Dosskey, T. Franti, A. Boldt, and B. Strahm. 2002. An overland flow sampler for use in vegetative filters. Paper No. 02-2050, Am. Soc. Agricultural Engineers, St. Joseph, MI.View PDF
Mize, C., W. Batchelor, E. Takle, J. Brandle, M. Egeh, and G. Horvath. 2002. Progress on modeling crop production under shelter. In: W. Schoeder and J. Kort (eds) Temperate agroforestry: Adaptive and mitigative roles in a changing physical and socio-economic climate. Proceedings, Seventh Biennial Conference on Agroforestry in North America, June 12-15, 2001, Regina, Saskatchewan. p. 221. 
Zhou, X., J. R. Brandle, E. S. Takle, and C. W. Mize, 2002: Estimation of the 3-dimensional aerodynamic structure of a green ash shelterbelt. Agric. For. Meteor., 111, 93-108.View PDF


Easterling, W.E., J.R. Brandle, C.J. Hays, et al. 2001. Simulating the impact of human land use change on forest composition in the Great Plains agroecosystems with the Seedscape model. Ecological Modelling 140:163-176.




Danielson, S.D., J.R. Brandle, L. Hodges, et al. 2000. Bean leaf beetle (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) abundance in soybean fields protected and unprotected by shelterbelts. Journal of Entomological Science 35:385-390. 
Guo, Q. 2000. Climate change and biodiversity conservation in Great Plain agroecosystems. Global Environmental Change 10:289-298. 


Bragg, T. B., J. Stubbendieck, and C. Butterfield. 1999. Effects of seasonal fire and mowing on an ungrazed, restored tallgrass prairie. in People and Rangelands: Building the Future, Proc. IV Intl. Rangeland Congr., Townesville, Australia.View PDF
Prueger, J. H., T. J. Sauer, and J. L. Hatfield. 1999. Turbulence flux estimates of sensible and latent heat near shelterbelts during low wind conditions. Trans. ASAE. 41:1643-1650. 
Schmitt, T.J., M.G. Dosskey, and K.D. Hoagland. 1999. Filter strip performance and processes for different vegetation, widths, and contaminants. J. Environmental Quality 28:1479-1489.View PDF
Zheng, D.S., J.R. Brandle, L. Hodges, et al. 1999. The response of muskmelon growth and development to microclimate modifications by shelterbelts. Hortscience 34:64-68.View PDF


Dosskey, M.G., and K.D. Hoagland. 1998. Demonstration of Riparian Buffer Establishment and NPS Pollution Abatement in an Agricultural Watershed. Final Report to USEPA Region VII and Nebraska DEQ. 


Easterling, W.E., C. J. Hayes, M.M. Easterling, et al. 1997. Modelling the effect of shelterbelts on maize productivity under climate change: An application of the EPIC model. Agricultural Ecosystems & Environment. 61:163-176. 
Dix, M.E., L. Hodges, J.R. Brandle, et al. 1997. Effects of shelterbelts on the aerial distribution of insect pests in muskmelon. Journal of Sustainable Agriculture 9:5-24. 
Guertin, D.S., W.E. Easterling, and J. R. Brandle. 1997. Climate change and forests in the Great Plains - Issues in modeling fragmented woodlands in intensively managed landscapes. Bioscience 47:287-295. 
Wang, H. and E.S. Takle. 1997. Model simulated influences of shelterbelt shape on wind sheltering efficiency. J. Applied Meteorology 36:695-704. 
Wang, H. and E.S. Takle. 1997. Momentum budget of boundary-layer flow perturbed by shelterbelt. Boundary-Layer Meteorology 82:417-435. 
Zhang, H.H. and J.R. Brandle. 1997. Leaf area development of corn as affected by windbreak shelter. Crop Science 37:1253-1257. 


Easterling, W.E., X. Chen, C. Hays, J.R. Brandle, and H. Zhang. 1996. Improving the validation of model-simulated crop yield response to climate change: an application of the EPIC model. Climate Research 6:263-273. 
Wang, H. and E.S. Takle. 1996. On shelter efficiency of shelterbelts in oblique winds. Agriculture and Forest Meteorology 81:95-117. 
Wang, H. and E.S. Takle. 1996. On three-dimensionality of shelterbelt structure and its influences on shelter effects. Boundary-Layer Meteorology 79:83-105. 
Zhang, H.H. and J. R. Brandle. 1996. Windbreak effect on biomass and grain mass accumulation of corn: a modelling approach. Agronomy Journal 88:607-613. 


Alkhalil, A., I.V. Litvina, E.S. Takle, et al. 1995. Determination of drag properties of a shelterbelt from measurements and a numerical model. 11th Symposium on Boundary Layers and Turbulence, 511-512. 
Dix, M.E., R.J. Johnson, M.O. Harrell, et al. 1995. Influences of trees on abundance of natural enemies of insect pests - A review. Agroforestry Systems 29:303-311. 
Schmidt, R.A., R.L. Jairell, J.R. Brandle, et al. 1995. Windbreak shelter as a function of wind direction. 9th Symposium on Meteorological Observations and Instrumentation, 269-274. 
Schmidt, R.A., E.S. Takle, J.R. Brandle, et al. 1995. Static pressure at the ground under atmospheric flow across a windbreak. 11th Symposium on Boundary Layers and Turbulence, 511-512. 
Wang, H. and E.S. Takle. 1995. Numerical simulations of shelterbelt effects on wind direction. J. Applied Meteorology 34:2206-2219. 
Wang, H. and E.S. Takle. 1995. A numerical simulation of boundary-layer flows near shelterbelts. Boundary Layer Meteorology 75:141-173. 
Zhang, H., J.R. Brandle, G.E. Meyer, et al. 1995. A model to evaluate windbreak protection efficiency. Agroforestry Systems 29:191-200. 
Zhang, H., J.R. Brandle, G.E. Meyer, et al. 1995. The relationship between open windspeed and windspeed reduction in shelter. Agroforestry Systems 32:297-31.